A Tribute to the late Alhaji Sanu – Ali Baba Jalloh

“Innaa lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raajioon. We have indeed lost a great soul. Pop Sanu as we fondly used to call him will always be remembered by us his family and all the communities he lived in. Pop Sanu touched the lives of those whom he met everywhere he lived, making a huge impact on the lives people, especially the poor in his community, paying the school fees of children whose families could not afford to do so, feeding the poor, and providing housing for them also. He was also one of the main people, if not the main person who unified the Fula community in Sierra Leone therefore making the community a force to be reckoned with. He, Pop Sanu, was an amazing human being, always caring for his neighbors and those around him. I personally know that Pop Sanu always fillled a suitcase with money and gave it away to people he hardly knew.

He was an epitome of kindness, magnanimity and humility. A man of the people and also a man of Allah SWT.
A family man whose generosity knew no bounds. A hero with a heart of gold who cared for people regardless of their tribe or nationality.

We have indeed lost our great dad, a strong pillar of our community and a humble man of Allah SWT. May Allah SWT forgive his shortcomings and grant him Jannatul Firdaus. Ameen. Please let us all make Dua for this noble soul and great philanthropist on this blessed Jummah day, and in this holy month of Ramadan.”