
Download a copy of our constitution.

View a Synopsis of FULBE AUSTRALIA 2017

Organisational structure of Fulbe Australia

The Association shall not carry out, perform or allow any activities, which are not permitted by law in Australia.

A. General Body:
The General Body shall consist of registered members of local/state incorporated associations in Accordance with ARTICLE 5: MEMBERSHIP.

B. National Executive Committee:

  1. The National Executive Committee referred to as the Executive Committee shall be composed of total of seven (7) elected members; five (5) with Executive positions and Two (2) Ordinary members.
  2. The National Executive Committee shall be responsible for all affairs of the Association:
  3. The National Executive Committee made up of:

Vice President
Secretary General
Public Officer
Ordinary Member 1
Ordinary Member 2

Membership of Fulbe Australia

  1. The Association membership is open to all Fulani and friends of Fulani incorporated/registered associations of Australia, provided that they accept to abide by the Constitution of the Association.
  2. As the peak body representing incorporated local/state associations, membership of the Association can only be of an incorporated Association and Corporation.

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